I have been preaching seriously since the age of 16. I have preached many sermons. Once I even preached daily for 90 days straight. But in terms of recording a sermon and having it posted online I finally reached 100 sermons that are featured on my YouTube channel. I should have recorded more, but 4 years ago I started uploading sermons. I downloaded some of my sermons from the Livestream website that Jackson Heights was using. I then had it re-uploaded now to YouTube. I have always had mixed feelings about Livestreaming. I didn’t like Livestreaming at first because I rather have people there in person. I rather have things archived in case people miss, want to re-watch, or want to share that sermon with someone else. My fear has always been that people would just stay home because they can watch the service online Some people can use it as an excuse, but overall I am glad that some of my sermons have been recorded. In Jackson Heights I saw one person come and visit the church through seeing the Livestream. From my conversation with her I get the impression that Livestream allows people to essentially window shop. They can see what things are like inside without having to step inside. This allows them to decide whether they want to visit. If that is the main purpose you just need a few service recorded and put on the website so people can see what the service is like.
When church members at Jackson Heights started telling me 'why do they need to come when they could just watch online', I stopped Livestreaming the series I would do. I would just record it and upload it afterwards. However, the most highly attended series were the ones that weren’t recorded at all. I recognize that there were some other reasons that those series were higher in attendance than just the fact it wasn’t being recorded, but I can’t help but feel that when things are online it does affect attendance. But why does it matter? As long as they watch the message right? No. Church is more than just hearing a message. It is connecting with others. For instance, if an evangelistic series is going on, chances are if you have been in church for a while you probably already heard multiple sermons on those topics. So why even show up? Because your presence can be an encouragement towards a visitor. That conversation that you have with someone after the message can help them make the decision that they are struggling with. So why did I start my online ministry 4 years ago? 4 years ago, exactly to this day, my first YouTube video was uploaded. I uploaded sermons not for church people. I uploaded them for people outside of church who may be searching for Adventist messages. Today I uploaded my 100th sermon. The internet is an amazing tool to spread the word to all around the world. I have gotten to speak to people who I would have never gotten connected to if I only preached inside the building. My church members have gotten the chance to share my sermons with others. Some of my friends have gotten to watch my messages online although they are in different states. People who are unable to come to church because of health conditions or because of coronavirus lockdown are able to have access to these messages. It’s important to realize that in-person ministry cannot do what online ministry can, and online ministry cannot do what in-person ministry can. Therefore we need both ministries to exist and cannot neglect either one in this day and age. So I have 100 sermons on my YouTube channel, and there is more to come. Feel free to subscribe to my channel so you can watch and share with others.
11/8/2020 12:41:40 pm
I enjoy learning from your sermons, Wayne, ...as well as the church I am starting to go to and need to return in person when I am physically up to the hour and a half walk to a church with solid teaching, even tho there are ones on the two corners closer to me who don't have solid teaching...during the cold winter here keeping hunkered down indoors as I am still settling into my new place I moved to a month and a half ago. I left a message on FB thst since you'd requested in one of your blog posts here more hope of engagement with others, I would switch over to this site here and keep our Daniel/prophecy prepper discussion in FB message to keep things compartmentalized. (I started college as a communications major). I've always liked the story of the demoniac who wanted to follow with Jesus and yet He sent him out. I wonder if anything else historically was written about that person. Paul was known to all of Asia and yet whatever happened to the demoniac? I was disappointed a bit in the song number sight and aound had for this person in their "Jesus" theatre production although the whole thing was pretty amazing. Thank you for sharing about feeling lost in the house as part of your testimony. It reminds me of this little sheep and how we can be like you said: https://youtu.be/rpOB-FmMmRM
Wayne Jamel
11/17/2020 12:22:27 am
Wow that person really has a sheep in their house haha. I preached another sermon before about how strange it is to have a sheep in the house (psalm 23). You have pets in the house. Not sheep.
Coral Tulle Hahn
11/8/2020 02:01:54 pm
Nice pic squeal, Wayne. https://youtu.be/5gUcnUjhRX0
Wayne Jamel
11/17/2020 12:16:34 am
haha what on earth?! Scary. He is pretty good at making the pig squeal.
Coral Tulle Hahn
11/8/2020 02:09:49 pm
Typo. *pig squeal* regarding the story
Coral Tulle Hahn
11/8/2020 02:12:04 pm
Jesus trailer for sight & sound: https://youtu.be/Wrbpv7LRknE
Coral Tulle Hahn
11/8/2020 02:54:32 pm
Interesting...provoking to jealousy by those "who are NOT a nation"...nationality precedes kingdomhood. They're not even considered a nation yet it would seem by the verse. Huh!😊
Diana Duncan
10/3/2021 04:59:19 am
The blogs are a blessing. It's seems like God definitely wanted you to do this. They show how God sends people at the right moment to encourage you or give you something you needed that very day. It shows how God is so in tune to your feelings and needs and how much he cares for you and the people you meet. It gives such a beautiful picture of who God really is. He's so amazing. He's so worthy of all praise. This encourages me to trust him more.
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