On December 31, on the last day of the year, I completed my 300th day raw in 2020. The day before I spent my last raw buck. As the ball was dropping the last thing I ate was some jalapeno. This was a good experiment doing 300 days raw in a year. I was able to maintain below 6 percent body fat for the majority of the year. I hardly went to the gym (not good, but the pandemic made it difficult), but due to a great diet I was able to keep the fat off. In fact this was the longest period of time that I was able to stay at that low body fat state.
I was able to have good conversations with people who also wanted a healthier lifestyle. A number of people have already tried a raw diet. Some plan on doing it for a stretch this year. Today was the first day off the 300 challenge. I ate cooked food. Although I had cooked food whenever I spent a raw buck, today felt different. I missed the challenge. I miss the raw lifestyle. I usually feel this way whenever I get off a long stretch. Raw food has become a part of my life, so when its not there I miss it. I feel off. A raw diet will not be the best for me in 2021 with the evangelistic plans that I have. I don't have any concrete plans or challenges for this year when it comes to raw food. I pushed the raw food lifestyle as far as I could for the time being. This year I don't plan on having any hard fast restrictions. I do plan to eat raw food most days (we'll see) particularly if I'm not hanging out with people. Being that my diet won't be as raw this year, I need to get back to the gym or invest in home work out equipment. All those extra calories need to be put to good use. I also need to monitor my measurements to make sure I don't gain too much fat and my waste size doesn't expand too much. As for this blog page, I plan to still upload posts from time to time like I did last year. I will be posting things like, taking body measurements, and raw food recipes, ect. I will eventually rename this page from the 300 challenge to something like "Health Blog". The 300 challenge was a fun one. Great conversation starter. It for sure had it's challenges, such as when the days off slowed my fat loss progress, but once it came off it stayed off. Keeping fat off is just as important as loosing it. So for that I would say that this was a success. Subscribe if you want to follow this next chapter in my health and fitness journey.
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